Privacy Policy

Terms of Use

DISCLAIMER Effective Date: October 30, 2023

Welcome to (referred to as the “Site”). When we say “we”, “us”, or “Explorian”, we’re referring to the entity behind, which is solely owned by Jay Hanz Tan. By navigating, accessing, or using our Site, you acknowledge that you’ve read, understood, and agree to be bound by the following terms, our Privacy Policy, and any other applicable rules and guidelines related to our Site and its services.

Choosing to access and consume the content on this Site is entirely your decision. If, for any reason, you don’t agree with these terms or any part of this Disclaimer, it might be best for you to exit the Site right away.

From time to time, we might need to update or change our terms, so we recommend checking this page regularly. We’re committed to ensuring our Site runs smoothly for our users. However, tech can be unpredictable.

There may be times when the Site may be temporarily unavailable, and we appreciate your understanding and patience during such moments.

Have Questions? We’re here to help. Feel free to drop us a line at

EFFECTIVE: October 30, 2023

The tapestry of visuals and text presented on (referred to as the “Site”) is the fruition of our dedicated efforts and those of our partners, affiliates, or licensors. Every piece of content is birthed here, except for certain visuals which are attributed to their rightful creators. If by any chance, something skips our vigilant eyes and lacks appropriate credit, please be our compass. Direct your insights to, and we’ll course correct promptly.

Hold on a second before you consider lifting content from our digital realm! Everything here, unless explicitly mentioned, falls under our copyright umbrella. So, any thoughts of reprinting, tweaking, or broadcasting them commercially without ringing our doorbell first? Let’s save both of us some trouble – just don’t.

Thinking of weaving our Site into yours through a hypertext link? Go for it, but remember: this shouldn’t hint at us sponsoring or endorsing your site. And those thoughts of framing our content or blending our intellectual properties into another domain? Hold that thought until you have a written nod from us.

Here’s the thing: is a trove of experiences meant for personal, non-commercial consumption. Tread carefully if you’re thinking about borrowing or adapting. Don’t recreate, upload, post, sell, or dabble with our content in any digital or physical form without checking in with us first. Although, for the kind-hearted souls wanting to share our content non-commercially, feel free to download or print individual pages – just sprinkle in a little credit for us. Unsure? It’s simple: when in doubt, shout (or rather, drop us a message).


Hey there, Explorer! By venturing through our digital realms at, you’re giving us a virtual nod that:

  • 📜 You’re on board with our Site Rules and Playbook (also known as Terms of Use).
  • 👶 You’re all grown-up, at least according to the region you call home. No kiddos sneaking around here!
  • 🤖 Bots, scripts, or any other automated magic tricks? Nah, that’s not your style. You’re 100% human, just like the explorers of old.
  • 🚫 You promise to play fair. No sneaky business or using the Site for anything shady or unauthorized.
  • 🌍 Wherever you’re from, your use of our site won’t cross any local rules or laws.

Remember, we’re all about discovering the world and its wonders, but if it seems like you’re off the map or veering off course, we might have to close the gates. Just be cool, stay curious, and let’s explore together! If things don’t align, we might have to wave goodbye, but we hope it never comes to that. 🌟🌍🚀


Ahoy, Digital Explorer! Let’s dive into what all the writings, images, and videos here at mean for you:

  • 📢 Our Voice, Our Views: Everything here is a reflection of our thoughts and sometimes, Jay Hanz Tan’s too. But remember, these are just opinions. We mean no harm, and we’re certainly not out to get anyone or anything. So, if you find yourself in a pickle after acting on something we said – oops! That wasn’t intentional, but we can’t shoulder the blame.
  • 💬 Lost in Translation: We’re all humans, right? There might be typos, grammar goofs, or things lost in translation. Don’t shoot the messenger (that’s us!). And if our words ever upset you, remember it wasn’t the aim.

⌛ Times Change: is like a digital time capsule. What’s spot-on today might be outdated tomorrow. Always double-check the current status of any advice, tips, or information you dig up from our archives. With the digital winds always shifting, it’s essential to ensure you’re not steering your ship based on an old map. Stay updated, stay vigilant! 🌐🔄

📊 Data Abyss: The vast ocean of data at might contain some buried treasures, but also some shipwrecks. Navigating through, you might stumble upon an error or oversight related to dates, events, or stats. Cast us a message in a bottle (or simply email) at if you spot something amiss, and we’ll adjust our course!

🌍 Outside Explorian’s Harbor: As you sail through, you might find embedded treasures like videos, pictures, or posts from other lands (think YouTube, Instagram, and so on). When you interact with these, it’s as if you’ve set foot on another island. These places might have their own rules, collect data, set cookies, or even track your adventures. If you’ve got an account with these external platforms, they might record your interactions. So, always be aware of where the tides take you.

🎬 YouTube Chronicles: When you dock at a video from YouTube, remember, it’s a territory marked by Google. Visiting our posts with YouTube content will establish a link to their harbors. If you’re anchored into your YouTube account, they’ll log your journey as per their charts, and that’s all under Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. For a detailed map of their data territory, check out

🔗 Linking to Distant Shores: Our digital compass might sometimes point you to external islands with links. While we aim to guide you to safe harbors, we haven’t charted all these external territories. Remember, doesn’t endorse, verify, or vouch for the hidden treasures or lurking dangers there. We’re not responsible for any exchanges or transactions you might have with third-party traders. Navigate with caution!

🎥 Embedded Voyages: Sometimes, we include embedded content like videos, pictures, social media posts, and more. Setting sail on these will take you to other digital territories, governed by their own captains and crews. Their rules, their data collection – it’s their game! So if you’re cruising through and you’ve anchored (logged in) at another site, they might track your voyage.

🚫 Forbidden Islands: If our maps mistakenly lead you to islands with content we wouldn’t endorse – like the obscene or hostile ones – remember, we didn’t chart those intentionally. They’re not part of our planned expedition.

👁️ A Watchful Eye: On rare occasions, we might accidentally dock next to unsavory places on the web. Know this – we don’t endorse or approve of any such rogue islands. If you ever find such a link on, give us a shout, and we’ll weigh anchor and set sail immediately.

🖌️ Designing with Digital Brushes: We’ve adorned our site using web fonts by Google. These are summoned without any secret handshakes or cookies. No personal details of yours are sent to Google’s vast libraries. If you’re curious about the spellwork behind this, you can learn more at Google’s own magical grimoire here.

🔍 Google’s Gaze: If you ever wonder about the data collected by the all-seeing eye of Google and how it’s used, peer into their ancient scrolls here.

There you have it, intrepid digital explorer. As you chart your course through the vast digital seas, always keep your wits about you. Safe travels and may your compass always point true! 🧭🌊🚀


⚓ Words of the World-Wanderers: Comments dropped at our docks are the sole sea-shanties of their captains, and they helm their ships with full responsibility. Any turbulent waves or raging storms that arise due to their tales are theirs to navigate. While we trust their compass, we cannot assure the truth, honor, or grace of their narratives. But aye, as the guardians of these shores, we have the captain’s privilege to alter or vanish any sea-shanties that echo sirens, sea monsters, or discordant tunes.

🎭 Traces of Your Voyage: When you drop anchor to share your tales, we glimpse the charted paths in the comment scrolls. We also spy the sails of your ship and its flag (in the digital realm, this means your IP address and browser’s signature) – to keep the pirate spams from raiding. And if you bear a Gravatar emblem, an encrypted message of your email (known to many as a hash) sails to the Gravatar fleets to see if you hoist their flag. To know of their legends, chart a course here. Once your tales find favor in our lands, your emblem stands proud for all to see beside your words.

💌 Offerings to the Explorian Kingdom: Every scroll, picture, or song you send through the ether – be it via the Site, magical mirrors (social media), or owl posts (emails) – is like a gift to our realm. You swear by the stars that: (i) the treasure is yours, or you bear the consent of its original keeper, and (ii) you’ve seen at least thirteen cycles of the seasons. By bestowing these upon us, you grant the Explorian court and its trusted allies an eternal, boundless right to adorn our halls, craft songs, or tell tales using your gifts. This includes rights to any arcane marks or symbols under the laws of all known and unknown lands. In weaving these tales, we might, if we deem it fitting, call upon your name or moniker as the original bard or storyteller.

🖋️ Echoes Across Realms: Messages sent via quill, crystal ball, or the voices of the wind (emails, comments, social media) to ‘Aileen Adalid’, might resonate as legends for our brethren. Unless the winds whisper otherwise, some of these tales or murmurs might also dance in our newsletters, epic sagas, or future tomes.

For scrolls bearing further riddles or quests, dispatch them to the keep at 💌🌌.


A Promise of Privacy:

Whisper us your secrets, share your data, or simply chime in with a comment—know this: your personal and/or contact details, especially those delicate email conversations or newsletter exchanges, remain locked away in our vault. No pesky spam will find its way to you, and we stand by our promise of NOT trading your information at the market square.

The Cookie Jar & 3rd Party Glances:

Third-party allies, like Google Analytics, sometimes peek into our realm. Their purpose? 

Not mischief, but merely to analyze the footprints you leave in our digital sand. They track, study, and then share tales of traffic patterns and visitor antics on this website. 

But fear not, they only see shadows and forms, never the essence of who you truly are. Your personal and identifiable avatar remains cloaked and revered in our digital haven.

In Defense of Your Anonymity:

Beyond the digital gateways of, your anonymity stands tall and unscathed. 

Our duty, nay, our honor, is to safeguard it. 

The cornerstone of this Privacy Policy is not just protocol, but a commitment—a declaration that we treasure and uphold the trust you place in us. 

Remember, this oath binds only to this very realm, this very Website.


Journey into Commerce:

Wander through our digital pages, and you’ll find portals leading to treasures unknown. Yes, our haven, this blog, flirts with cash advertising, sponsorships, paid magic scrolls, and more avenues of golden compensation or ventures. 

Decode this simple truth: many paths you tread here—most links you find—are affiliate conduits. Venture forth through them and should you embrace a purchase, we might glean a little stardust or a token in return, all at no extra burden to your pouch.

A Win for All Travelers:

Sometimes, our alliances with brands conjure special charms, granting you a boon in price. A mutual dance of benefits, if you will. 

Yet, our compass remains true: we won’t herald products or tales that haven’t whispered their truths to us first. 

Clear skies and transparency reign here; whether coin or gift comes our way, or if a voyage bore a sponsor’s flag, you’ll always be in the know.

For Dreams and Memories:

At the heart of lies a quest—to ignite wanderlust, to craft timeless tales. 

The occasional token we gather fuels the forge, enabling us to weave richer tapestries for every wayfarer. 

Understand this: your gestures, your ventures through our affiliate gateways, breathe life into our sanctuary, ensuring its flames never wane.

Beyond Our Starlit Bounds:

Yet, remember, while we guide and recommend, our dominion doesn’t extend to the actions of those beyond our constellation—the advertisers and sponsors. 

Should a trinket you acquire or a service you embrace through our links falter, seek redress with the stars that birthed them, not us. 

Verify the tales, the claims, and the enchantments of any product or service with the realm from whence it came.


Bound by the Ancients:

The chronicles and tales unfurling within are entwined with the ancient edicts. Be aware: our narrative and engagements resonate with the directives set by the guiding laws of the State of IL.

Charted Territories:

In the rare moment when paths diverge and uncertainties arise, know that these guidelines exist to maintain equilibrium. Yet, if you still find yourself in need of clarity, or wish to delve deeper into our legal compass:

📜 Reach out: 📜

Esteemed visitor, tread with respect and understanding, for these tenets are here to ensure harmony as you journey through our digital realm. Should disputes arise, let wisdom guide and our communication lines remain open.